The London Mayor has released new research on Child to Parent Abuse, which has been co-authored by Dr Amanda Holt, who we’re proud to have sitting on the PEGS advisory board.
She worked alongside Ecorys and Professor Iain Brennan from the University of Hull on the report – which was published by London’s Violence Reduce Unit headed by Mayor Sadiq Khan.
It shows at least 40% of London-based parents and carers who experienced violence between 2011 and 2020 did not report it to the police.
Feelings of shame, and fear of criminalisation or the child being removed from the home were highlighted, as too were the concerns of frontline professionals who warned they felt CPA was likely to continue to increase going forward.
This is partly due to the ‘inconsistent and patchwork provision of support available for families and a lack of understanding about how to access it’.
Parents who were interviewed as part of the research said they only contacted police when they had no other choice and were afraid for their physical safety, and always after multiple incidents of violence.
The VRU is now looking to implement recommendations to help facilitate a joined-up approach, including advocating for statutory guidance for professionals and training of CPA champions within social care and safeguarding teams.
Speaking as the report was announced, Dr Holt said:
“This report is the first of its kind to offer a really comprehensive analysis of child/adolescent violence towards parents across a particular region – in this case London.
“It highlights the extent of its under-reporting, the reasons why parents and carers don't come forward, and why a multi-faced and collaborative approach is necessary for any kind of effective intervention. I look forward to seeing the next steps for developing appropriate responses to combat this particularly hidden form of family violence.”
To find out more, and to read the full report, click here.
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