PEGS is committed to supporting parents, carers and guardians impacted by Child to Parent Abuse. through a range of online services
Our aim is to create safe places online where you can talk openly about your experiences, where you will always be listened to and never judged. Our services are free, and open to any parent, carer or guardian experiencing Child to Parent Abuse, regardless of the age of their child (including those with adult offspring). They're also all offered virtually to limit any boundaries around accessing in-person services.
Once you complete a self referral form (or a professional submits a form on your behalf), we'll be in touch to let you know which services below we're able to offer. Our drop-ins and peer support group are available to every parent who refers in to us.
All of our services are specifically for parents - we don't work directly with children displaying CPA behaviours, however we have a network of partner services who specialise in child-focused support and we can signpost or refer into these as necessary.
We hold multiple virtual drop-in sessions each week, at different times during the day and evening. Our parents can attend as many as they'd like to - entering a safe space facilitated by a PEGS team member, where they can discuss what's currently going on for them.
Links to the drop-ins, and the current days and times, will be sent to you once you've completed a referral.
Our closed peer support group on Facebook gives parents the chance to share their experiences, and give and receive mutual support from other parents in similar situations. Posts in the group are only viewable by other members, meaning it's a place where parents tell us they feel safe and able to share details of the CPA they are experiencing, and the impact upon them.
You'll receive the link to the group once you refer into us.
Our online Empowering Parents in Crisis (EPIC) sessions are tailor-made for parents, carers and guardians and aimed at reducing feelings of isolation, guilt and blame.
We'll talk about coping strategies, behaviour and communication, confidence building, and the importance of self-care.
Please note, places on EPIC are subject to current availability - you'll be advised if we are able to offer you a place.
We are able to offer a number of parents access to one-to-one support. Those parents will have a dedicated CPA practitioner who they speak to on a regular basis.
Our more intensive support offering also includes advocacy (for example, attending virtual meetings held with professionals such as social care teams in order to support you as a parent).
Please note, due to increasing referral numbers, there may be a wait for one-to-one support.
We facilitate virtual workshops which will we believe will benefit parents - these will be advertised via our peer support group. Some workshops will be one-offs on topics parents have asked us for more knowledge around, where we'll invite an expert in to talk about that subject.
Others such as Bounce Back, Step Forward (which focuses on empowerment and personal resilience) are run on a regular basis. Again, times and dates will be shared in the peer support group, along with a link to sign up where necessary.
We are here to listen. We want to support and empower you. We're on your side.
Unit 4 Darwin Court, Oxon Business Park. Shrewsbury SY3, Shropshire.