On Friday 8th December PEGS hosted a virtual White Ribbon event for professionals alongside other organisations who provide Domestic Abuse services in Shropshire. The event set out to highlight the current service provision in Shropshire, providing a deeper insight into how and where to refer victims of domestic abuse for specialist support.
As the Founding Director of PEGS, Michelle John opened the event and spoke about the importance of working together collaboratively to change the story locally, before providing an overview of our current services in Shropshire and new offerings for 2024.
Kate Anniston and Helen Richardson from West Mercia Women's Aid also discussed the importance of partnership working locally and regionally. They explained their IDVA (Independent Domestic Abuse Advocate) services including their provisions for 13-19-year-olds, the prevention work they are carrying out, and their Inclusion IDVA who is working in various communities to help overcome the barriers some victims face in accessing support.
Andrea Williams joined us from Cranstoun and shared information on how they are working alongside perpetrators to improve the lives of victims and discussed their Men and Masculinities Programme. Again, the importance of having a collaborative and multi-agency approach to tackling domestic abuse was referred to.
Nicola Wilkinson from Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service (SDAS), shared how they are making it easier for people in rural areas to get the support they need and spoke about their single point of entry drop-in service. They gave an update on their safe accommodation and refuges that now include a space dedicated to accommodating women who are experiencing multiple disadvantages and explained about their children and young peoples service and peer support.
Wendy Bulman from Shropshire Council spoke not only of the statutory responsibilities of the local authority but also of the moral reasons to do more than that across Shropshire as part of making a difference to all victims, whilst also holding perpetrators to account. She referred to their recent Safer Streets Campaign and also stressed the importance of everyone working together to continue to change the story locally.
It was fantastic to be able to bring multiple services together in a shared online space, not only to provide professionals with an overview of service provision and referral pathways but to also harness the passion and determination that exists in the region to create lasting change for victims of domestic abuse.
You can access the recording of the virtual event here
Unit 4 Darwin Court, Oxon Business Park. Shrewsbury SY3, Shropshire.