PEGS first started their services in March 2020, the day the UK went into lockdown in fact , so our
support has always been provided via online platforms and phone calls. There are various reasons
why we remain online, one of the biggest is that those we support have identified that this is their
preferred method of support. A lot of parents and caregivers are unable to leave their homes to
access support , being online means that they can still receive support from us. It is also one of the
safest way to provide that support to those experiencing child to parent abuse, not only for the
parent or caregiver but for the PEGS practitioner team too. Our Founding Director has said she is
unwilling to place any of the team at any risk of harm and often the most riskiest time for parents is
when a professional has attended the home, it important that this is also taken into account to
ensure the safety of those living in a home where child to parent abuse is occurring.
With the PEGS head office in Shropshire and team members in Derbyshire and Manchester it would
be incredibly difficult to provide face to face support to parents who live out of these areas, but we
still find those in those areas wanting us to provide telephone or virtual video calls for support. By
being online means that parents have more flexibility in accessing us, they choose the time that
works for them and we always ensure that the person accessing support is in a safe and confidential
Being a online based service has not impacted our ability to reach those who need us, we have
supported in excess of 5000 parents, carers and guardians since we started , neither has it stopped
us delivering training , providing consultancy or creating a national covenant for employers.
With the demand for our service increasing by the day and with a limited practitioner team we had
to find a way to provide support, we initially started with a weekly practitioner led session, this
session quickly grew and we now run a session every weekday so that parents and caregivers have
various opportunities to speak to someone. If we provided face to face these sessions would not be
as accessible or as successful.
As with everything there are pros and cons, for us, the positives far outweigh the negatives and with
parents specifically expressing this is their preferred way to access us, we will continue with this
framework of support.
To find out how to access support or to attend our daily practitioner led sessions, you can complete
a referral form or contact the team at
Unit 4 Darwin Court, Oxon Business Park. Shrewsbury SY3, Shropshire.