The financial impacts of CPA

Harriet Ernstsons-Evans • December 9, 2022

When we think of abuse, it’s perhaps the physical and emotional impacts which spring to mind initially. But there are often a whole range of effects – and it’s important, especially during the current cost of living crisis, to be aware of the many ways in which Child to Parent Abuse can have a negative impact on people’s financial situations.

Firstly, there may be direct financially or economically abusive behaviours being displayed. These could include:

  • Stealing items from the parent or the household. Our 2021 PEGS parent survey saw 39% of parents report their child had stolen from them, and 24% felt they were experiencing financial abuse.
  • Coercing the parent into handing over money, or purchasing items for them. 88% have experienced threats and 77% intimidation (about anything, not just money).
  • Fraudulently taking out credit cards or other accounts in their parent’s name.

Then there’s the cost associated with:

  • Replacing damaged items or property.
  • Potentially having to seek legal support if the situation escalates.
  • Even having to move house. 7% have been threatened with eviction or needed to move because of CPA.
  • Having to reduce hours or quit work altogether. Of PEGS parents who were previously employed, 48% had to reduce their hours, and 22% left their job totally.

If you’re experiencing increased money worries as a result of Child to Parent Abuse, or direct financial/economic abuse from your child, then there are a range of organisations out there who can support you:

Citizens Advice

Money Advice Plus

Money Helper

National Centre for Domestic Violence financial abuse toolkit

National Domestic Abuse Helpline

0808 2000 247 (24-hour)

Surviving Economic Abuse

0808 196 8845 (Monday-Friday 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm, free)

UK Finance

And many banks now have specialist teams who can provide support to those affected by financial abuse. Here are some of the larger banks – if yours isn’t on the list then do check directly with them to see how they may be able to support you.


Fill in the form to let their team know when they can contact you.


0800 0854 475 (Monday – Friday 8am to 6pm)


03457 404 404 


0800 0665 703 (Monday – Friday 8am to 6pm)


0800 917 23 93 (Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm, Saturday 9am to 1pm)


03457 888 444 (8am to 8pm)

Royal Bank of Scotland

03457 24 24 24 (8am to 8pm)


0800 011 3414

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