It's all about highlighting safeguarding issues and raising awareness of best practice, enabling organisations and individuals to gain confidence when it comes to recognise signs and reporting safeguarding concerns.
The week is brought together by the Ann Craft Trust - a leading authority in safeguarding adults and young people at risk; this year their theme is 'creating safer cultures'.
That means:
There's lots of information on their website about what's going on during the week and how you can get involved. And you can also use the #SafeguardingAdultsWeek on social media.
Naturally, at PEGS we are in total support of raising awareness around safeguarding - especially as lots of our parents might not fall into traditional 'at risk' categories but they are in fact at risk because of the abuse they are receiving from their child.
We're also keen for organisations to learn as much as possible, which is why we've created our CPA training courses - and why we launched our Child to Parent Abuse Covenant, backed by the DWP, which asks employers to think about their policies and practices when it comes to staff and service users who are experiencing CPA.
Unit 4 Darwin Court, Oxon Business Park. Shrewsbury SY3, Shropshire.