A leading campaigner has hailed the inclusion of Child to Parent Abuse in Government guidance as a ‘huge step forward’ for the often-hidden issue.
Researchers estimate between 3% and 10% of UK homes are impacted by CPA but the consultation on 3rd August sees this type of abuse specifically highlighted as part of domestic abuse legal documents for the first time.
The draft statutory guidance, which is out for consultation until 14th September, is one of the documents which will help organisations such as social care, education, criminal justice and other stakeholders implement the Domestic Abuse Act which was passed earlier this year.
Michelle John, our PEGS' Founding Director, was asked by the Home Office to contribute her expertise to the CPA section of the guidance – and says the inclusion of the definition and examples of the type of behaviour being experienced will help
who are seeking support.
She added: “Many of our parents have struggled to access support for themselves, and having CPA included within this guidance will hopefully represent a huge step forward when it comes to services recognising this type of abuse and responding appropriately to parents who have asked for help.
“It’s only by bringing this issue out of the shadows and ensuring every professional is aware of CPA, and knows how to assist parents, carers and guardians who are experiencing abusive and violent behaviours, that we alleviate the huge burden of guilt, isolation, anxiety and shame many of our parents tell us they feel.”
Click here to read the draft guidance and have your say.