Future counsellors were able to learn more about a hidden form of domestic abuse thanks to our Founding Director.
Michelle set up PEGS to help support parents, carers and guardians experiencing CPA – as well as training professionals, raising awareness and influencing national policy.
As part of her session, she shared information about CPA with the students and discussed supporting counselling clients experiencing abusive or violent behaviour from their children.
Michelle said: “I was delighted to have been asked to talk to the students, and to be able to share the PEGS journey so far, how we are supporting victims of abuse across the country, and our vision for the future.
“It was fantastic to be able to share further information and resources that they could access, and I hope the talk will be valuable to them as they begin their careers in counselling.
“It’s vital that counsellors understand CPA as this will allow so many more parents to talk about their experiences, and the impact abuse has had on their wellbeing. A huge thank you to Shrewsbury Colleges Group for their support in highlighting CPA.”
Genevieve Walters added: “Michelle really highlighted the importance of our words and tone as counsellors supporting clients carrying so much stigma and shame”, and one of the students said: “You have highlighted so many things that we did not know about in terms of referrals for parents”